Saturday, July 2, 2011


Lately there has been a lot of buzz on Twitter about Google+. I figured I would go and get some information on this new Google project and fill you all in.
What is Google+
Google+ is Google's version of Facebook plain and simple. It could very well end Facebook in the same fact that Facebook destroyed Myspace. However Google+ is not out yet and is only available to a limited amount of people for the field trial of this new "Social Networking" site. (I hope it doesn't have Farmville, Cityville, or anything "Ville")

Features of Google+
Google+ has 5 major features that are going to stand out and be very good for Social Networking purposes. Here are the five and a little about them.
  1. Circles
    • Circles allows you to place friends, family, coworkers, etc. into different groups that way you share information and posts to only those particular people.
  2. Sparks
    • Sparks allows you to customize and pick news that is relevant to you and your interest.
  3. Hangouts
    • Hangouts will be a neat video chat feature. You can video chat with up to 10 friends all at once.
  4. Instant Upload
    • Instant Upload will automatically upload your pictures & videos from your phone directly to a private album on your Google+ account. All you have to do is go online and decide who you want to send them to.
  5. Huddle
    • Huddle allows you to take a group of people and chat all together. Google gives an example on their site about how hard it is to get 6 people to decide on what movie to see. Huddle would get everyone on one "page" for quick decision making.
I am actually looking forward to this new Social Networking site. It looks to be easy to use and easy to navigate. Here is a direct link to an interactive tour that Google has put together

Thursday, June 30, 2011

How to Convert YouTube Videos To MP3's

Here is my first of hopefully many How To Video's. Hope you enjoy!!!
How to Convert YouTube Videos to MP3's

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Common Mistakes in a Home Theater

Here is a list of common mistakes made when creating a Home Theater.

  1. Not Soundproofing the room.
    • Don't annoy the neighbors!
    • Your sound quality will be drastically better.
  2. Not optimizing your components with a test disk.
    • TVs are set up to look good in Best Buy, Costco, etc. in order to make you buy them
  3. Not having a Universal Remote for all of your components.
  4. Not realizing that resolution is more important than screen size.
    • See my post on the Difference Between Screen Resolution
  5. Not buying a receiver that you can grow into.
  6. Putting all emphasis on the TV and neglecting the audio or visa verca.
  7.  Buying by price and not by what you want or need.

Perfect Position for 5.1 Surround Sound Speakers

First: Place your Front Left and Front Right speakers in equal distance from where you will be seated.
  • The speakers should be 45-60 degrees apart on either side of the TV screen. (draw a triangle from your seating area to both speakers.)
Second: Place the center speaker above or below the TV

Third: Place the surround speakers in place (Left & Right Rear).
  • They should be even or slightly behind your seating area and about 2 feet above ear level.
    • If you are using direct radiating speakers the best place is behind you because the sound is directed forward. To diffuse the sound aim the speakers towards the front wall. If you face them toward you you will not receive the surround sound your listening for.
Finally: Place the sub woofer along the front wall. After you have hooked it up play some bass heavy music and adjust the placement of the sub woofer until it sounds the best to you.


I have recently herd about Vudu. This may be better than Red Box the way gas prices are these days.

What is Vudu?
  • Stream Movies same day as DVD (no 28 day waiting period)
  • No subscription fees, you only pay for what you watch
  • Stream in 1080p and Dolby Digital Plus 5.1 Surround Sound
How do you get it?
  • Internet ready TV
  • Playstation 3
  • Blu-Ray Player
  • Computer
If you are getting tired of waiting 28 days to see a "New Release" through Netflix or standing in the long lines behind a Red Box this might be right for you.