Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Canning the Cable Company

Thinking about getting rid of Comcast, Dish Network, or even Direct TV? If you live in Gig Harbor, Key Peninsula area it may be harder to do than you think. Due to our geographic location and our beautiful scenery (trees & hills) it makes snagging over the air signals nearly impossible. However you may be able to get away with it with the correct equipment.
Before you run down to your local Electronics Retailer follow these steps to ease your shopping experience.
1.Go to click choose an antenna and follow the instructions. (This site has been a good indicator as to which channels you will pick up at your specific location. I have used it for 2 years and it has been very useful.)
2.Find the right antenna that covers all the spectrums listed on the site. Here is a link to a diagram that shows the different spectrums.
3. Shop around for the antenna that picks up all necessary channels and is a good price. I recommend supporting local business over the Internet, but if you can't find one in town that does all spectrums.(which I know Gig Harbor to my knowledge has no places that sell antennas that do the violet and blue spectrums.) you might have to result to the Internet.

1 comment:

  1. Even better, go buy a macmini, hook it to your tv and live off Netflix, Hulu, itunes, and DVD's! That's the way it's done!

    -John (from Taco Del Mar)

    Awesome blog so far!
